Aqui pode conhecer as candidaturas seleccionadas pelo júri do Prémio de Imagem Endoscópica 2020 para votação pelos sócios.
Os vencedores estão assinalados.
A messy web - 1.º Prémio (Fotografia)
Emanuel Dias, João Santos-Antunes, Miguel Mascarenhas-Saraiva, Guilherme Macedo
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de São João
A 50-year-old female patient with long-history of ulcerative colitis involving the entire colon was referred for screening colonoscopy. The patient was medicated with oral 5-aminosalicylic acid and azathioprine. She was asymptomatic and had no other relevant previous medical history. Colonoscopy revealed pseudodiverticular appearance of the mucosa over the entire colon, more prominent at the right side. At the orifice of some of these pseudo-diverticula, there were some mucosal protrusions, which were biopsied revealing no significant abnormalities. No active lesions including ulcers, erosions or exudates were seen. These endoscopic findings are consistent with cicatricial mucosa, remarkable for its exuberance.
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