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Piecemeal endoscopic mucosal resection assisted with Endocuff Vision®
Piecemeal endoscopic mucosal resection assisted with Endocuff Vision®
Inês Cunha, Pedro Amaro, Luís Tomé
Endocuff is an assistive device designed to improve adenoma detection rate. However, it may turn more difficult the insertion in the terminal ileon or through severe diverticulosis. Endoscopic resection, namely advanced procedures, may also be more cumbersome. We present the case of a 77 years-old man with a widespread 60mm laterally-spreading tumor involving half of the luminal circumference, two haustra and two folds, with difficult access in the hepatic flexure. Piecemeal EMR was performed with complete resection. It was felt that Endocuff Vision® was quite helpful in maintaining scope position and stability and clearly improve access by unfolding the lumen.
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Serviço de Gastrenterologia - Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra