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Gastric anisakiasis: be careful with raw fish!
Gastric anisakiasis: be careful with raw fish!
Prof. Dr. F. Castro-Poças, Dra. Sónia Bernardo
65-year-old woman presented with a 2-day history of epigastric pain and vomiting. Physical examination and laboratory tests were normal. Tomography of the abdomen revealed diffuse thickening of the gastric wall. Gastroscopy revealed six anisakis larvae penetrating into the mucosa of the stomach. The larvae were removed with endoscopic forceps. Patient reported that she had consumed sushi the day before the epigastric pain developed. In a few hours the patient’s symptoms were resolved. Ingestion of raw fish infected with nematode larvae of the Anisakidae family can lead to gastric anisakiasis. In most cases the gastric infestation is only by one parasite. Infestation by multiple parasites is very rare as in the present case.
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Hospital CUF-Porto, Centro Hospital do Porto, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar