Nesta página pode conhecer as candidaturas ao Prémio de Imagem Endoscópica selecionadas pelo júri para votação pelos sócios.
Os vencedores em cada categoria estão assinalados.
From IPMN to IPMN-derived invasive adenocarcinoma Catarina O'Neill, Joana Veloso Carmo, Catarina Félix, Martinha Chorão, Cristina Chagas Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental A 82-years-old woman was admitted for obstructive jaundice. Abdominal-CT identified dilated bile ducts and multiple hypodense pancreatic lesions. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed a 26mm-cystic lesion with a 19mm-solid component with ill-defined margins in the pancreatic head, causing dilation of the main pancreatic duct and bile ducts; multifocal branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms(IPMN) throughout the parenchyma; peripancreatic and hilar lymph nodes. Biopsies of the solid component revealed an IPMN-derived invasive adenocarcinoma. Serum CA19.9/CEA were normal. The patient was referred for duodenopancreatectomy unveiling a pT2N1 ductal adenocarcinoma and later initiated chemotherapy. This case beautifully displays the IPMN natural history, following an adenoma-carcinoma progression. Outras fotos: Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Fotografia Vídeo Vídeo Vídeo Vídeo VídeoError
The hidden diagnosis in excavated gastroduodenal lesions
Severe alendronate-induced esophagitis in a young patient
Atoll islands in a blue sea
A rare cause of metastatic disease in the stomach
An unexpected (un)friend? Colonoscopy may still be the answer
A case of pancreatic tuberculosis
An uncommon cause of bowel obstruction in Ulcerative Colitis
Disseminated kaposi's sarcoma
From IPMN to IPMN-derived invasive adenocarcinoma
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome: a diagnosis to keep in mind
Gastric Crohn's disease
An unusual gastric finding in a lung cancer patient
A plausible case of sloughing esophagitis
Endoscopic marsupialization of duodenal duplication cysts
Endoscopic reconstruction of an oral feeding route using a rendezvous approach
Biliary stent migration with duodenal perforation: how to manage?
"Retrograde" endoscopic submucosal dissection technique after submucosal tunneling for the resection of a superficial submucosal tumor
A look into a ruptured pseudocyst of the pancreas causing life threatening haemorrhage
Traction-assisted Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection of a Duodenal GIST
Circumferential ESD of a squamous cell carcinoma with no strictures in the follow-up